Beach Rugby 2022 registration open

Still a few spaces for our Beach Rugby tournament, register your team before it's too late!

We will also be fielding a Barbarians team (the Pirates). So you can come down and join us for a day of sun and rugby, no matter how big your squad is!

We are still welcoming sponsors to this event. Whether you would like to provide prizes (for player of the day, or best dressed squad for example), or simply help develop inclusive, rapidly developing and enjoyable rugby in Berlin, please do get in contact!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Registration for the Berlin Irish Beach Rugby Tournament 2022
Registration for the Berlin Irish Beach Rugby Tournament 2022
What? Berlin Irish Beach Rugby Tournament

When? Saturday August 13th 2022

Where? @BeachMitte Berlin Switch accounts
The name and photo associated with your Google Account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form. Your email address is not part of your response.
Are you signing up a team or as an individual pirate? *
Team Name/Pirate's Name *
Do you want to compete in the men's/women's competition? *
Approximate number of participants *
Are you open to playing with pirates? *
Billing Address *
Contact Person *
Email *
Upload Team Logo
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I understand that with signing up as a team I agree to paying the 200€ entrance fee. As a pirate I agree to paying the 20€ entrance fee. *
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